Millennials are the first truly digital generation of people that attracts a lot of attention from marketers, and for a good reason. According to the global market research conducted by Accenture, these people spend $600 billion each year in the United States, which accounts for about 20 percent of all retail sales in the country. Some predict the millennials will be spending more than $1 trillion by 2020, which doesn’t sound crazy considering their current spending. In other words, they are the market to target these days. But how are brands doing with millennial marketing? In this article, we’ll explore the best examples of brands trusted by millennials.
1. Netflix
A well-known video streaming company Netflix has been doing great at millennial marketing for quite a while. The brand recognized that the target audience enjoys sharing content on the web, so they used social media as the main platform for their marketing effort.
For example, you can connect a Netflix account to Facebook for sharing content. Given that the brand has some of the most engaging and exclusive content right now, just imagine the interest in their service!
For example, the survey completed by LendEDU featured 820 Millennials who were asked to identify their favorite streaming site. Guess who won? Of course, 79 percent of the sample chose Netflix.
Why Netflix succeeded
The brand acknowledged the evolving lifestyles of millennials and evolved with them.
2. Pabst Blue Ribbon
This one actually is a big, big surprise. Here are the facts: the Pabst Blue Ribbon beer company scores only 2.9 (!) stars on the well-known BeerAdvocate site. This doesn’t sound like a hot brand, right? Some reviews there even say that PBR “tastes like cold water.” They must not be having a lot of sales, one might think.
However, just take a look at the sales the company has been having in recent years.
That’s amazing! How can a company with such a poor reputation increase sales every year? The answer: a proper, millennial marketing strategy.
PBR actively promoted its products via anti-mainstream marketing tactics and did not pressure the customers with major campaigns. Specifically, they marketed the beer as an old-school brew (which it was, the company is quite old) on street level events in hipster-minded cities. Then, the brand launched the National Art Contest to highlight its uniqueness.
And millennials loved it because they appreciated the uniqueness in their approach. Now, consumers make their own variations of the iconic logo of the company which is just another way to get involved.
Why Pabst Blue Ribbon succeeded
The brand highlighted its uniqueness and old-school style and millenials just fell in love with it.
3. Uber
It is a known fact that millennials are not into cars. So Uber came up with something different to win. And they did. Millennials love convenience and apps, so that’s exactly what Uber combined. These trends featured big in the marketing campaigns of the company in recent years, and they produced great results.
Millions of profits and a title of the ‘Most Improved’ brand given by millennials are the latest indicators of the brand’s performance.
Why Uber succeeded
Millennials don’t like to waste time and they want a new level of taxi service. By creating an app that made it ridiculously easy to find a taxi and pay for it using a credit card or the app itself, the company hit the sweet spot.
4. Converse
Converse is one of the most iconic shoes known to us. The company revamped its traditional shoe especially for millennials, and it was a hit! As we discussed, millennials love convenience, and this applies to their shoes as well. Besides, they appreciate history and tradition, which is something Converse is all about.
The company stays popular among millennial customers because they follow these standards appreciated by the target audience:
- Embrace different types of customers
- Listen to the voices of the buyers and respond
- Find innovative ways to market the product as lifelong partners.
Why Converse succeeded
The company has seen a great increase in sales as more millennial customers wear sneakers to work and other occasions. And they’re really stylish and comfortable!
5. Under Armour
The secret of success of Under Armour in recent years is an effective approach to millennial marketing. They prefer purchasing athletic wear over traditional apparel, and this company’s products are everything they could possibly look for. Moreover, marketing helped in differentiating it from other giants like Adidas and Nike.
“Nike’s marketing is based on the notion that you have to have the body of an athlete. On the other hand, Under Armour focused on producing athletes who appreciate empowerment and passion.” – says Steve V. Allen, marketing specialist at Assignmenthelper.
Why Under Armour succeeded
According to Under Armour, anyone could be an athlete and should have professional athletic wear. Also, they signed young sports stars like Stephen Curry to represent the demographic they were going after.
Author Bio
Lucy Benton is a marketing specialist, business consultant and helps people to turn their dreams ao the profitable business. Now she is writing for marketing and business resources., Also Lucy has her own blog Pro Writing where you can check her last publications. If you’re interested in working with Lucy, you can find her on Twitter.
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